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Child Labor Events in China

Example 1

In June of 2007, 500 middle schoolers in Sichuan were found working 14-hour shifts in a factor in Guangdong province. Their school contracted them for summer employment. There were many complaints from the children including insufficient food, health problems, and poor living conditions according to Human Rights Watch (HRW) News. Also, their work is was so strict that if they made a mistake they were fined. In their case, the children made several mistakes and were fined.

Example 2

On HRW News there is evidence of the children being in poor living and health conditions because while working in a factory in Guangdong, a 16-year-old girl died from untreated encephalitis. She complained a lot yet the people would not let her rest nor would they treat her.

Example 3

In July of 2007, more than 100 middle and high schoolers were making cardboard boxes near Guangzhou. These teenagers were working 8-hour shifts and being paid only 2.4 yuan per hour according to HRW News once again. Only 2.4 yuan, that is much less than the average amount of money a kid receives from the tooth fairy! The average amount of money a child receives from the tooth fairy is $4.85 per tooth. Imagine a kid receiving 2.4 yuan, the equivalent of 35 cents in the U.S.

Child Labor Cases: Service
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